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“Bharani” Nakshatra according to Vedic Astrology

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Bharani Nakshatra
  • 16
  • Apr

“Bharani” Nakshatra according to Vedic Astrology

According to modern astronomy, it comprises three stars in the constellation of Aries. It contains high fire energy which makes this star hot in extreme. Various qualities of the element fire and sacred quality are known as Bharani which is present in the beginning when a fire starts to ignite. People born under this star have high qualities to become a ruler or team leader because of the energy of burning fire. As Bharani has a nature of peak, it selects any path and explores it regardless of the fact of being a saint or sinner.

The energy of Venus can be experienced in this star. However, it provides high knowledge of the occult. This star symbolizes creativity, sex, and the cycle of life and death. Bharani is a place that showcases the care and thriving with energy to manifest swiftly. People born under this star a known for holding on to their strong character and embracing the transformations in their life. They love to gather knowledge which leads to distraction for them and not letting them complete the tasks they began. This star is a bit complicated to be understood but it has so many interesting things hidden in it.

Considerable Points

The positivity that comes with this star is high artistic skills, being satisfied, and having good health overall. On the contrary, their stubborn, impatient and childlike nature is not likable.

Pleasing Goddess Lakshmi is suggested to those who are born under this star by performing a special fire ritual on Bharani star day to gain wealth, power, and health.

Key Factors

The symbol of this star is Female Reproductive Organs.

It is ruled by Venus and Goddess Lakshmi overpowers Venus in this Nakshatra.

Gender is Female and Nature is Manushya.

Ugra and Krura are the qualities and It has Earth as an element.

Colour is Blood Red and Related Planet is Mars.



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Narayan Soni

About Acharaya Ji

Acharya Sumedh Narayan Soni is Jyotish Praveen, Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Acharya, Vaastu Ratan

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